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MUN is an annual conference for high school students – a simulation of a United Nations Conference
Students assume the roles of DELEGATES to the United Nations representing their chosen country in one of five committee rooms: The Security Council, The Political Committee, The Human Rights Committee, The Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC), and The Environment Committee
Discussion and debate is based on three issues in each committee. Resolutions pass and move onto the General Assembly or fail!
Experienced students train as Committee CHAIRPERSONS. The conference is run by these students for other students.
Students may also apply to join the SECURITARIES – security and administration
We have a PRESS CORPS to cover the event. Budding journalists and photographers wanted!
Madame Pallas et ses élèves de 1S2 vous proposent de visiter leur site sur lequel ils parlent de leur voyage à Salisbury, UK et des Premières euro. Pour en savoir plus cliquez ICI.